Camden, (Kentucky Lake) TN. On Saturday and Sunday, October 7th and 8th, 2006 the Aluminum Boat Outdoor Bass Tournament Trail Grand Championship was held at Birdsong Resort, Marina and Campground. All year, fishermen have been competing to accumulate points for the championship standings in area lakes through out Tennessee.

The bass tournament hours were from safe light to 3 p.m. when the weigh-in took place at Birdsong's tournament pavilion. A total of 25 boats were entered into the tournament with 50 fishermen throughout the year. The fishermen enjoyed two bright sunny days of bass fishing and caught plenty of large and small mouth bass that were weighed and released back into Kentucky Lake.

The 1st place and Grand Champion winners were: Terry and Robert Hodge both of Camden. TN, with a catch totaling 26.19 lbs over the two day tournament. The 2nd place winners were: Wayne Wyatt and Justin Davis with a total of 21.98 lbs. The Hodge duo team took home a New 2006 Polar Kraft boat with an Evinrude E-Tec 40 hp outboard motor valued at over $20,000 MSRP, donated by tournament sponsors Evinrude of Waukegan, IL a division of BRP of Sturtevant, WI and Polar Kraft, a division of Godfrey Marine of Elkhart, IN. On hand was Terry Glover, District Sales Manager for Godfrey Marine to make the presentation to the winners.

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